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Domestic and Family Violence Gold Coast



Supporting families with DV

MYTH 1: Only physical violence is DFV.

FACT: Approximately one quarter of DFV is physical, the remaining three quarters is a pattern of behaviour that could be verbally, sexually, emotionally, socially, psychologically or financially abusive; threatening or coercive; or in any other way controlling or seeks to dominate another person that results in living in fear.


MYTH 2: If I report DFV my visa will be cancelled and I will be deported.

FACT:  Immigration  Laws  in  the “Family Violence Provisions” are intended to ensure that visa applicants (for eligible visa classes) do not need to remain in an abusive relationship in order to get permanent residence in Australia.


MYTH 3: If I leave my partner I will not have financial support.

FACT: Department of Human Services, Centrelink supports people affected by family and domestic violence if you are in, have left, or are preparing to leave a situation. They provide payments (if eligible), social work counselling and third party referrals. Call 131 202 or visit and select the language button for information in your language.


MYTH 4: If I leave there will be no support for me.

FACT: Multicultural Families Organisation (MFO) provides extensive, confidential support for DFV victims including information and advice by a culturally appropriate case worker and can refer you to many other services such as counselling, emergency shelter, financial assistance and free immigration advice. You can contact MFO during business hours on 07 5571 0381 or attend the office at 47 Scarborough St, Southport. DV Connect provides 24 hour emergency DFV support by phone on 1800 811 811.


MYTH 5: If I leave I will be homeless.

FACT: Emergency short-term accommodation is available by contacting DV Connect for 24/7 support on PH:1800 811 811 or MFO can assist you with accommodation options PH:07 5571 0381

MYTH 6: DFV help is only available if I speak English.

FACT: Every government support service and most other support agencies will provide interpret- ing services if requested. The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) provides interpreting services to agencies in 160 languages 24/7 Call 13 14 50 and say your language.


MYTH 7: DFV does not happen in my culture or community.

FACT: DFV is found in all cultures and in all levels of society but the difference is some cultures are making a move to end DFV while in some cultures it is not seen as a problem.


MYTH 8: It is my behaviour that caused him to be abusive.

FACT: Abusers choose their actions. Abuse is NEVER the fault of the victim.


MYTH 9: For our children, it would benefit them if we stay together.

FACT: All research agrees that children will never benefit in an abusive home where they suffer from emotional and psychological trauma that often leads to physical, social, behavioural and mental health problems. These children are three times more likely to become future abusers or victims of DFV.


MYTH 10: Because of my religious beliefs I have to stay in an abusive relationship.

FACT: All mainstream religious writings do not promote or condone DFV. All religious writings and traditions speak about redemption and change from bad to good from suffering to peace and happiness. Marriage if it is full of suffering and abuse must change. If it cannot change then divorcing a cruel and abusive partner is the appropriate change.


All religious writings have at their heart the invitation to peace, love and respect of all human kind. Tolerating suffering within a family is not supported by true religions.



If you experience DFV while living in rental accommodation you can apply to the tribunal

1300 QLD CAT (1300 753 228) for an order to:

• Be recognised as the tenant

• Remove the name of the person who has committed a DFV act

• End the tenancy agreement altogether

Help is available for women and dv

" Imposing one's will on another human being is an act of violence" - Ghandi

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