With over two decades of experience, MFO is at the forefront of supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities on the Gold Coast. Our tailored workshops equip organisations and individuals with essential skills to respond effectively to the needs of diverse clients and promote inclusivity.
Cultural Awareness Training

MFO’s Cultural Awareness Training is designed to empower organisations to engage respectfully and effectively with diverse communities, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic approach to service provision.
Australian Citizenship Workshop
The Australian Citizenship Workshop equips participants with essential knowledge and strategies to confidently approach the citizenship test. Covering Australian history, values, and civics, our workshop helps individuals prepare for the test and fosters a deeper connection to the Australian community, supporting them in their journey towards becoming active, informed citizens.
The Influencer Workshop

The Influencer Workshop empowers community members with skills to inspire positive change and promote safety. This workshop equips participants with practical tools to navigate challenging and potentially violent situations—encouraging them not to turn a blind eye, but to recognise that these issues affect us all. By taking responsibility and choosing actions that prioritise safety for themselves and others, participants learn to transform negative situations into positive outcomes. Emphasising resilience, empathy, and accountable leadership, the workshop fosters inclusive leadership and mutual respect, ultimately strengthening community bonds and building a safer, more unified society.
Domestic & Family Violence Training for community members
As a community we can all do something to support victims of DFV.
We all have a role to play and the first step is by understanding what is DFV and how can we help victims. This training focuses on the barriers and needs of CALD women who are experiencing DFV and will explore ways of how we as a community can work together to stop violence.